Hari ni teman anak-anak main bina-bina rumah.Tiba-tiba dapat idea nak bagi tazkirah ringkas tentang menghormati jiran tetangga.

“Mommy lets build a city!!” Jerit Thariq.
“Kena build rumah dulu la!” si adik 3 tahun mencelah.
“Ok..sebelum bina rumah what do we need?” Soal saya.
“A piece of land!!”
“What else? Can we straight put the roof?”
“Nooooway..we need walls!!”
“Ok lets build it!oh there are 3 houses..we already have a neighbourhood! What do we call the people staying next door?”
“We called them neighbour.When our neighbour is sick we must visit him and help them.we must treat our neighbours well,ok?”
“Ok,then we have good team.bila rumah terbakar, our neighbour can call fire engine..and fire wngine came..then our neighbour sick..we call ambulance………”
And their stories go on and on and on……
Children are very intelligent. Mereka akan berimaginasi dan bercerita…teruskan mendengar agar neuron terus bersambung..
Sambil main sambil belajar!
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