Ummi, we had a discussion with our friend just now. We told N*** about Islam. He said he worships Jesus..
I told him Jesus is our prophet not God.Allah is our God.
Ic..kenapa tiba-tiba cerita tentang religion? (perbincangan tadi di kelas martial art mereka).
He saw us praying. He made fun of us and said “hey why you put your head near your brother’s bum?” (solat jemaah, kepala si adik belakang imam sewaktu rukuk)
Then we discussed about that.
Ic. I hope you guys talk with hikmah.
yes ummi. We always remember what you said, ‘izzah and explain with hikmah. And i want him to know the truth so Allah wont ask me in akhirah…
Ummi speechless***
Apabila kami minoriti, kami belajar mengenal identiti, agama, budaya kami..Allahumma faqihhufiddin..